On Tuesday, March 3, there was the full day training of technicians from UNIPETROL and its service organizations, INELSEV and PKN ORLEN. This training followed the delivery of 130 control valves for the Polyethylene 3 unit which is being built by Italian company Technip, and where the commissioning and guarantee tests are currently underway. This training was organized by After Sales and Service department, took place at Inelsev and was attended by 10 persons.

It consisted of theoretical part and practical work with digital positioners in workshops. Employees of service organizations were acquainted with the correct assembly of control elements, their calibration using various SW interfaces and especially with the possibilities of SW ValVue Masoneilan which is explicitly designed to work with SVI2AP positioners. During a very active discussion and sharing of experience, further cooperation was agreed in the area of SW implementation in customer management systems and other points of customer support such as spare parts supply, diagnostics etc.

About the project: The construction of the new PE3 polyethylene unit in the Unipetrol production facility in Litvínov is the largest investment in the history of Czech petrochemistry and is in amount CZK 9 billion approx. The construction of the technology itself was carried out by the Italian company Technip under the license INEOS. Moravia Systems won a demanding tender for the supply of control valves for this construction, thus significantly increasing its installed base on the production units of the UNIPETROL Group. Due to supply of key control valves and control elements of the whole technology our company has become an important supplier of this project.