

In accordance with the new certification of our production, the previous marking will change as of January 2020.

Delivery and installation of slide gate valve DN800 to Opatovice power plant
Delivery and installation of slide gate valve DN800 to Opatovice power plant

Complex service from survey to assembly

Presentation of aftersales and supply services
Presentation of aftersales and supply services

​Last week, the workshop hosted presentation of servis, this time for our important customer ČEPRO, a.s.

Our butterfly valves have been operating reliably for 10 years
Our butterfly valves have been operating reliably for 10 years

FLW butterfly valves delivered by us for the planned reconstructions 10 years ago are still installed at WWTP Hustopeče and WWTP Lednice

Company authorization
Company authorization

Moravia Systems company has received a certificate of competence to carry out of inspections and tests of pressure equipment and installation and repair of dedicated pressure equipment

Urban Water Conference 2019
Urban Water Conference 2019

The 19th annual international conference and exhibition „Urban Water 2019“

Presentation event for our important customer
Presentation event for our important customer

Presentation of aftersales support and services focused on technical managers

A partner of VODA 2019 conference
A partner of VODA 2019 conference

​On September 18th we attended the 13th Biennial Conference „VODA 2019“ in Poděbrady

Significant service contract abroad
Significant service contract abroad

Service team carried out the first inspection of valves installed on the CCGT power plant in Orsha, Belarus.

Partnership in the region
Partnership in the region

Moravia Systems a.s. has its roots in Hodonín. A large part of our charitable activities is focused on this region

Approval of stainless steel ball valves K85 for drinking water use
Approval of stainless steel ball valves K85 for drinking water use

K85 ball valves meet the requirements for direct short-term contact with drinking water according to Decree No. 409/2005 Coll.

Superior measurement and control technology Ashcroft® is part of a modern gas turbine inlet filtration solution
Superior measurement and control technology Ashcroft® is part of a modern gas turbine inlet filtration solution

This year we realized two larger deliveries of Ashcroft® CXLdp and G2 pressure transducers for ELMONTIA company.