We have passed a strict audit and received authorization from ČEZ for deliveries to nuclear power plants. The target of the customer audit was to verify how Moravia Systems a.s. as a supplier, has dealt with the requirements of Atomic Act No. 263/2011 Coll. as amended and related implementing decrees No. 408/2016 Coll. and No. 358/2016 Coll. the supply quality management system.

All employees of Moravia Systems, who are involved in the supply of industrial valves for the construction or reconstruction of nuclear power plants, had to undergo a demanding training and become familiar with the requirements of the Atomic Act. Some of them received training directly at the nuclear power plants in Dukovany or Temelín.

The audit was performed on 4 randomly selected orders. In particular, the auditors checked very carefully the compliance of the technical specifications of the supplies with the requirements of the customer and the programs of inspection and testing of valves.

The audit resulted in a statement that Moravia Systems a.s. the quality management system is under control in accordance with the legal requirements and technical requirements of the customer, and is therefore also able to supply industrial valves and their spare parts to nuclear power plants in the coming years. For our company, successful completion of an audit, is very important and valuable.