Our company has reconstructed the steam pipeline to the hot water pipeline of Veolia Energie ČR, a.s. in Přerov. It was the production of sliding pipe supports and fixed points for pre-insulated hot water piping DN500. Production was carried out according to our own documentation and design. Hot dip galvanized finish.
The design of the Moravia Systems supports for pre-insulated piping solves a whole range of technical problems that arise from incorrect design or inappropriate application – pls see irregular distribution of force as shown below.

black = pipe jacket leans on the support in the points
red =8 mm gap
Moravia Systems Technical Solution:

Our new design caused:
- Regular load of pipe jacket, especially for pipes with spiral welded PE strip jack
- Increased friction coefficient between pipe jacket and seat of support
- Protecting of the jacket against abrasion by the support (especially its edges)