Maxmilian Nejedlý has 15 years of experience in leading positions in companies in power sector. Recently he got a job as a Head of Sales of Pipes and Pipe Components at Moravia Systems. We asked him about his plans and vision.
Why did you join us?
The executive director of company, Tomáš Medek, was looking for a new person for the team while at the same time I thought about a change. I have known Tomáš for a long time and Moravia Systems is a great name with a tradition in its field, so there was not too much to think about. So we make an agreement.
My first impression was very adventurous. Although I have an office in Prague, at the first day I had to travel by train to our branch office in Vracov from organizational reasons. Due to the transfer of the phone number I was cut off from communication. What was perfectly normal a few years ago is almost unimaginable in today's online age. When I was looking for a way to make a phone call, I found out that public telephone booths are a thing of the past. And to ask someone for a cell phone? So it was a precarious situation :-)

How do you evaluate your previous work? What the most important experience you gained during your previous career?
My previous job was for more than 15 years in managerial positions in companies operating in the field of power. For over 8 years, I managed from the position of CEO an EPC company (Engineering Procurement Construction) that dealt with the implementation of projects in the heating sector. Subsequently, I worked as COO at a local power company in Prague, where I dealt with the sale and distribution of heat, electricity and gas to households, offices and production plants. This means, in addition to the sale of energy, also the operation of the distribution system, the necessary technologies and the associated maintenance and service. My last job was as a Sales Director at an EPC company focused on the petrochemical industry.
What was the most important experience? Above all, experience from both sides, both from the position of the supplier and its client. When you have the opportunity to experience both for yourself, you will be more aware of the needs and pitfalls that these different entities observe and solve in their activities.
Another important finding is the need to orientate not only towards customers or subcontractors, but also inwards towards their co-workers and employees. Because these are the most important internal customers for the company.
I also realized that one should constantly work to relieve stress. If possible, play sports, do activities that he enjoys and spend time with his family. To have a certain humility and to be able to respect others, to think that if he succeeds and goes up, he should not step on those below him. Because he never knows when the situation may turn.
What are your ambitions and vision for the new position?
Currently, thanks to a pandemic, we are in a situation that is still something new for us; we cannot be prepared for it and we must respond almost daily to environmental fluctuations, including changing government regulations. Nevertheless, we must remain a good and reliable partner for our customers and suppliers. I think that is quite ambitious, and at the moment it is also a certain vision.
What would you like to transfer from your previous experience to the team of Moravia Systems?
Experience in one area may not always be fully applicable in another. Each environment is a little different. My philosophy is to be more of a leader than a boss. Apply and build a positive, open approach to all employees and
activities, to demand responsibility and timely and comprehensible communication from each individual. This is, in my opinion, a generally good foundation from which to build a great and well-functioning team.
What will you focus on in the sale of pipes and metallurgical materials?
The whole company must be a reliable and competitive supplier. This must also apply to the metallurgical material section. I will focus on having all business and implementation processes in this section under control. We need to keep existing customers and acquire new ones.
What are your goals for the near future?
The first steps are associated with getting acquainted with the environment and processes that are set up in the company; I need to get to know my new colleagues and integrate into the normal work regime of the company. Subsequently, I can begin to apply the above principles, experience and knowledge. Now that the majority of colleagues are at home-offices and personal contact is being replaced by electronic communication, it is quite complicated. Simply put, I am here to help my company be strong, stable, meet customer needs and the goals and visions of the owners.