Coronavirus has affected our lives. We are experiencing probable peak of the second wave of pandemic, and although our company has all the measures in place to prevent the spread of the virus, some of our workers especially in the production sector haven´t avoided to the infection.
We asked our HR director, Mgr. Lenka Jandásková, how Moravia Systems company is fighting with the infection and how the working environment of its employees it is secured.
„We have taken a wide range of measures to protect the health and safety of our employees and our customers. The priority is to operate in a working way, which with regard to the diverse operations - offices, production, service - places high demands on us in the implementation of measures and organization of processes. The common feature of all measures is responsibility.
Already at the beginning of the pandemic we took strict hygiene measures. Workplaces are regularly disinfected, we have stands with hand disinfection and we use ozone generators. We purchased surgical masks and respirators of the FFP2 type, which are available not only to our employees but also to their family members including children. We also handed out them packages of vitamins and immune support products.
Where possible we work from home so we don't meet in the offices. In cases where a home-office is not possible we try to ensure the highest possible occupational safety. During two-shift operation we encounter to various operational limitations, especially in connection with processes, work safety and staffing. The production process slowed down somewhat.
We have also started regular testing by antigenic tests which are rapid and can detect a risk factor very soon, thus reducing the spread of the disease in company.“

We are not alone in a difficult situation and therefore we donated CZK 200,000 to the TGM hospital in Hodonín last spring. The money was used to buy a detection system for molecular biological examination and wireless ultrasound. At the beginning of this year we also distributed vitamin packages to children from the first and second grades of primary school in Vracov.
We hope to be able to meet you, our customers and business partners again as soon as possible. At the same time, we wish you good health and a lot of strength to manage this difficult stage of life together as best we can.